• called to the bar | |
बैरिस्टर: barrister solicitor | |
या: OR either whether | |
अधिवक्ता: advocate pleader attorney counselor-at-law | |
के: K beyond between disentitle except from OF | |
के रूप में: as in the person of what by way of qua in the | |
रूप: beauty style structure stamp shape semblance | |
में: within by between afield among IN amidst into in | |
स्वीकृत: admitted agreed granted avowed assumptive | |
बैरिस्टर या अधिवक्ता के रूप में स्वीकृत अंग्रेज़ी में
[ bairistar ya adhivakta ke rup mem svikrta ]